Art of Cross Examination in Civil Cases
Cross- Examination in Civil Cases 1. Introduction 1.1 Definition of Cross Examination
Did you know that the skill of cross-examination has always been a determining factor of how good an advocate is? It does not only help in extracting or deducing important facts from a witness but can actually make you win or lose a case. So, first a witness is subjected to examination, i.e. when a witness is brought with an objective of bringing forward the facts relevant to the case before the court. After this, he can be subjected to cross- examination by the opposite party. Section 137 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 provides that the examination of a witness by the adverse party shall be called his cross examination. The stage of cross examination comes after the stage of examination in chief which is done by the party who called the witness. Another stage of examination subsequent to cross examination is called as re-examination which is again done by the party who called the witness in order ...